Sydbank A/S to revise its expectations upwards as regards

Sydbank A/S to revise its expectations upwards as regards

Company Announcement 05/2023Peberlyk 46200 Aabenraa, DenmarkTel +45 70 10 78 79Fax +45 74 37 35 36Sydbank A/SCVR No DK 12626509,......

Notice to Annual General Meeting in Agillic A/S

Notice to Annual General Meeting in Agillic A/S

Announcement no. 3 2023 Copenhagen – 14 March 2023 - Agillic A/S (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark: AGILC) gives notice to Annual General......

Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2023 of Copenhagen

Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2023 of Copenhagen

Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of Copenhagen Airports A/S to be held on Thursday, 30 March 2023 at 3:00 pm. The notice, including......

Copenhagen Airports A/S Annual Report 2022

Copenhagen Airports A/S Annual Report 2022

Today, Copenhagen Airports A/S issues the Group Annual Report for the financial year 2022, including Remuneration Report. The reporting suite is now......

Notice Convening the Annual General Meeting of ROCKWOOL

Notice Convening the Annual General Meeting of ROCKWOOL

Company announcementfor ROCKWOOL A/SRelease no. 03 – 2023to Nasdaq Copenhagen 7 March 2023 NOTICE CONVENING THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF ROCKWOOL A/S ......

Transactions with shares in Sydbank by managers and closely

Transactions with shares in Sydbank by managers and closely

Company Announcement No 04/2023Peberlyk 4DK-6200 AabenraaTelefon +45 70 10 78 79Telefax +45 74 37 35 36Sydbank A/SCVR-nr. DK 12626509, Aabenraasydbank.dk3......

Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in

Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in

Company announcementfor ROCKWOOL A/SRelease no. 02 – 2023to Nasdaq Copenhagen 2 March 2023 Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in......

Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 2 - Guidance 2023

Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 2 - Guidance 2023

Selskabsmeddelelse Nr. 2/2023 Denne meddelelse indeholder intern viden Errias bestyrelse har i dag godkendt forventningerne til 2023. ......

CFO Morten Axel Petersen to resign from RTX at the end of

CFO Morten Axel Petersen to resign from RTX at the end of

Nørresundby, Denmark, 28 February 2023Announcement no. 08/2023 Morten Axel Petersen has informed RTX A/S that he has decided to resign from the Company......

Proposal for election of new member for the Board of

Proposal for election of new member for the Board of

ANNOUNCEMENT A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S – Proposal for election of new member for the Board of Directors At the Annual General Meeting which will be held on......

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