Value generated at 2.7 billion euros: the ecosystem by Leonardo in Lombardy
MILAN, Italy, Jan. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Prometeia 2022 Study reports on the impact of Leonardo, the national champion in the AD&S sector, within the productive ecosystem of Lombardy. The study highlights that the company is a hub, which contributes to the regional GDP with around 2,7 billion euros equal to 0.8% of the total GDP (+28% compared to 2018). The value brings Lombardy to the top of the GDP ranking in Italy, which is produced at a regional level by Leonardo. Every Euro of value added created by the company generates, on average, two additional euros within the territory.
"We are continually committed to improving the tools that enhance the productive ecosystem of the territories where we operate. Focusing, first and foremost, on the development of a sustainable long-term supply chain that can support employment growth, and the competences and technological innovation of the entire domestic system. Leonardo’s initiatives in support of the supply chain are competitive levers for the security and development benefits of the country," says Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo.
From the data contained in the Prometeia 2022 Study (relating to 2021), it has emerged that ten Leonardo employees in Lombardy support, on average, an additional 33 employees for a total of 30 thousand employees within the local ecosystem, a value that has grown by 30% when compared to 2018. More than 1,300 companies in the sector, including 80% of SMEs, move around 900 million euros in ordered volume, positioning Lombardy as the first region for spending on goods and services via the Leonardo system. The region is also where the value of investments in Research & Development (R&D) activities of the company is greater, reaching 382 million, equal to 9.6% of the total region. The company contributes to the strengthening of the regional technological and high knowledge supply chain: IT and professional services are among the main sectors. The average labour productivity, characterised by a high mix of skills, fed by Leonardo is 17% higher than the regional average. The Leonardo supply chain represents 12% of the entire hi-tech industry in Lombardy. The innovative activities, which are further nourished by the work carried out by Leonardo Labs - the technological hubs dedicated to the R&D of frontier technologies - in Lombardy, are part of an ecosystem comprised of companies, institutions, and universities. In this context, the existing collaboration between the industrial world and the regional institutions is essential in ensuring concrete support for a strategic supply chains at a local and national level. In the region, the Leonardo Group has six main locations, between Varese, Brescia and Nerviano that are active in the helicopter, aircraft, electronics and cybersecurity markets. With over 7,000 employees; thanks to the presence of Leonardo, the Lombard territory is among the few in the world to boast of a complete aircraft capacity, both in the fixed-wing and in the rotary-wing, in addition to advanced skills in space. Broadening its gaze to Italy, the Prometeia Study indicates that the productive ecosystem led by Leonardo comprises over 4,000 companies, 87% of which are PMI, with more than 125,000 employees, and generates 0.6% of GDP, thanks to 10 billion euro in value added. A figure that represents 1.4% of the value produced by the entire national industry and 13% of the Italian high tech industry. The company develops within the Italian territory revenues of 9,5 billion euro, employing beyond 31,000 assigned, and exports 75% of the production that, in 2021, was worth 1.4% of all the exports of goods in Italy, reaching a labour productivity of 50% higher than the Italian average.
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