St Kitts Tourism Authority welcomes inaugural flight from
Basseterre, March 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- St Kitts Tourism Authority had much to celebrate on 12 March 2023. As they hosted the inaugural flight from InterCaribbean Airways, in the Kayan Lounge at Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport (RLBIA). This newfound partnership paves the gateway to improved accessibility to the Caribbean Island. Attendees of the inauguration were both St Kitts and Nevis Government and Non-Government Officials.
The advantage of the partnership is for international tourists to increase in numbers and for more of them to attend festivities lined up this year such as Culturama, CPL T20, Nevis Mango Festival, St Kitts and Nevis Music Festival Summer of Fun, Restaurant Week, and the brand new Kittian RumMaster Programme.
St Kitts Music Festival committee announced to tourists to book their tickets early before they are sold out, as they too anticipate a big jump in tourists coming into the twin Federation to experience the island’s vibrant culture and music festivals.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Economic Development, International Trade, Investment, Industry and Commerce of St Kitts and Nevis, the Right Honourable Denzil Douglas, expressed his anticipation for “Better things are yet to come. First Flight InterCaribbean Airline into RLB International Airport. A New Day, A New Airline: InterCaribbean Airline, at RL Bradshaw International Airport.”
Rt. Hon. Denzil Douglas also noted that InterCaribbean Airways will introduce better accessibility and convenience to the twin Federation. The airline will operate flights on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, every week from Barbados and Puerto Rico to St Kitts, and include one-stop connected flights to Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines.
The Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Urban Development, Honourable Marsha Henderson expressed her gratitude that “It is truly an exciting day for regional tourism and as a Minister of Tourism, the end goal of our airlift strategy has always been growth.” She added that “As we re-energise intra-regional travel, I am elated at the continued advancements that our destination continues to realise.”
Hon. Marsha Henderson emphasised that advancing the country’s airlift by means of interconnectivity is essential to sustaining relationships within the Caribbean region. “St Kitts builds airlift capacity fueling intraregional travel opportunities. We are highly proud as InterCaribbean Airways integrates St Kitts in its present itinerary. As the demand for travel increases, St Kitts persists to build a strong reputation as a must-see destination. InterCaribbean’s collaboration greatly strengthens the interconnectivity between our neighbouring Caribbean brothers and sisters. We promise to stay committed to advancing airlift to the island.”
Additional InterCaribbean flights will contribute to more travel into the country, as tourists desire to venture to the country’s mesmerising beach views, robust historical landmarks, and incomparable cultural experiences.
CBI for Investors to join in the action
As there are many exciting events lined up for tourists, so are opportunities for investors to have an exclusive role in ensuring that St Kitts and Nevis receive financial support to develop their tourism industry, as well as multiple sectors in the country’s economy.
Investors can invest in the country’s economy through St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme. The Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) is an investment option that currently has a Limited Time Offer for qualifying investors to obtain their citizenship through contributing a reduced investment of US$125,000, as well as the application processing time is reduced to sixty days for accelerated applicants.
This Limited Time Offer is currently running until 30 June 2023, from 1 July 2023 the minimum contribution will increase to US$150,000 and accelerated applicants will have to contribute to the premium due diligence fee.
The Benefits of investors applying for citizenship through the SGF are that is the most simplified application process; investors become permanent second citizens to St Kitts and Nevis; there are tax incentives such as no income taxes; and there are no language or travel requirements for qualifying investors.
This investment option is the first of its kind in the history of CBI programmes, there is complete transparency in each stage of the application process, including the allocation of funds. All Funds contributed through this investment option are utilised by the St Kitts and Nevis Government to advance and develop the economy through education and healthcare sectors, financially support local entrepreneurs and businesses, agriculture, mitigate the volatile climate changes, construction and infrastructure developments, and the advancement of the tourism sector.
As St Kitts and Nevis kickstart promotions for their most exciting and unique events, the international tourists – young and old – have many more new experiences to look forward to, including business-minded investors seeking diverse avenues to protect their investments and the future of their family’s generations.