Servus Credit Union announces 2023 Board of Directors
EDMONTON, Alberta, March 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Servus Credit Union announced at their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 8, 2023, the election of three members to its Board of Directors. With each candidate elected to a four-year term, new Director Greg Nakonechny joins incumbents Doug Bristow and Amy Corrigan who were both up for re-election this year. Directors were elected by eligible member-owners from a slate of four candidates.
Full election results included:
- Amy Corrigan – 2,742
- Doug Bristow – 2,689
- Greg Nakonechny – 1,851
- Donna Tona – 1,673
"I'd like to offer my congratulations to each of the election winners. Their depth of experience and diverse backgrounds will serve Servus members well. I am confident that they, along with our other Board members, will ensure that our credit union has strong, effective management, and that the organization creates and maintains value for our stakeholders while serving the needs of members and their communities," says Danielle Ghai, Vice-Chair of Servus's Board of Directors.
In their first meeting since the election, the Board selected Perry Dooley as Board Chair and Danielle Ghai as Vice-Chair. Directors chosen to lead committees were:
- Audit and Finance Committee – Amber Haworth
- Governance and Human Resources Committee – Danielle Ghai
- Enterprise Risk Management Committee – Matthew Protti
- Nominating Committee – Shawn Eltom
Representing Servus Credit Union on the Board of Alberta Central Credit Union are John Holt and Kelso Brennan.
Joining the recently elected Directors on the Board are current Directors Kelso Brennan, Perry Dooley, Shawn Eltom, Danielle Ghai, Amber Haworth, Jonathon Holt, Darcy Mykytyshyn, Matthew Protti and Omar Yaqub. Long-term Board of Directors member John Lamb announced at the AGM his intention to step down from his role as Chair.
Subject to eligibility criteria set out in the Alberta Credit Union Act and the Servus Credit Union bylaws, all Servus member-owners can participate in the Board election by running for the Board and by voting for candidates. The 2023 election saw 4,204 members casting a vote.
About Servus Credit Union Ltd.
Servus Credit Union has served Albertans for over 80 years with a full line of secure financial services. The financial institution has more than 100 branches in 59 communities throughout the province as well as options for online, mobile and telephone banking. Servus's noble purpose is to help members reimagine their financial fitness so that they feel good about their money. For more information about Servus, call 1.877.378.8728 or visit
For more information contact:
Telephone: 587.437.7332