$2 Million in Gifts from John M. Webber to Benefit Business


BANGOR, MAINE, March 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Husson University announced today that it has received $2 million in gifts from the estate of philanthropist John M. Webber. The first $1 million-dollar gift will be used to create the John M. Webber Husson University Business Scholarship Fund. This fund will provide financial support to deserving Husson University College of Business students, with a preference given to those majoring in accounting or finance.

“We’ll be forever grateful to Mr. Webber for creating this endowment. His support will help keep education affordable for the next generation of financial talent here at Husson,” said Dr. Robert “Bobby” Duron, an associate professor and the director of the University’s #" Bobby Duron Teaching Accounting Webber donated $1 million to create the John M. Webber Husson University Business Scholarship Fund. ...
#" Sawyer Library Study Room Webber donated another million dollars to to create an endowment called the John M. Webber Husson Un...

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