Talisman Casualty Insurance Company Offers a Range of
Carson City, March 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Carson City, Nevada -

Talisman Casualty is a protected cell captive insurance company with over 7000 captives worldwide and over $55 billion of global captive premiums. In Nevada, the state where Talisman Casualty Insurance Company is domiciled, it has over 200 captives and over $4 billion of captive premiums. The company serves the specialty insurance sector by offering protected cells to underwriters who have seasoned books of business and need a regulated vehicle to transfer risk as well as direct access to capacity through reinsurance and alternative risk finance markets.
One of the company’s greatest business advantages is its claims management technology which enables efficient claims processing for each of its cell programs. Talisman Casualty can provide insureds immediate feedback on the overall impact of claims and reduce the time needed to make adjustments due to the simple aggregation of data within a cell captive. This reduces a majority of a captive’s expenses and gives them an edge over traditional insurers. Moreover, its proprietary technology can be integrated into a cell captive program without incurring the exorbitant costs associated with licensed software that is designed and marketed to large commercial insurers.
The company offers several programs that serve the needs of a wide range of industries. Its surety program offers three kinds of surety bonds – Payment and Performance, Compliance and Licensing, and Court and Legal. The surety bonds are underwritten the same way that general credit is underwritten and the insured has to go through a financial and skill qualification when the performance is being bonded.
The company’s Marine Program is a cell captive aimed at marine contractors, fishing operations, and many other types of businesses that have assets on the water and need coverage that fits their objectives. The program focuses on small to medium-sized marine accounts and provides Maritime Employers Liability (MEL), Hull and Protection & Indemnity (Hull / P&I), and Comprehensive General Liability (CGL) with admission into the program’s cell.
Talisman Casualty’s Pet Professional Program combines risk expertise and unique claims management to serve emerging small businesses such as pet sitters, trainers, and professionals who offer pet-related services. Participants in the company’s Pet Professional Program are assured a high degree of insured interaction with underwriters and claims personnel.
The coverage quality and customer service that Talisman Casualty offers have resulted in many of its clients giving it an overwhelmingly positive 4.9 out of 5.0 overall rating on its Google Business Profile. The company’s reviews cite its affordable rates, ease of doing business, and the helpful nature of its representatives.
One of the latest reviews says, “Talisman Casualty is, and always has been, a reliable marine insurance provider to work with. Their rates are very reasonable, and their customer service is outstanding. We have no hesitation in recommending them to others.” Another reviewer thanked the agent they worked with by saying, “Exceptional provider of surety bonds. They quickly walked me through the process and were able to issue a surety bond very fast. To our agent, many thanks. He is the best person you will ever meet.”
Talisman Casualty Insurance Company is an alternative risk transfer option for liability and property insurance. Talisman insurance policies and bonds are duly licensed, regulated, and authorized insurance transactions governed by the laws of the state of Nevada. Bonds and insurance policies are made available to principals who join the captive as participants by executing a participation agreement and becoming a shareholder. All Talisman capital, surplus, reserves, and financial records are maintained per the provisions and regulations of NRS Chapter 694 C (Captive Insurers).
Readers can contact the company’s representatives at (800) 318-5317 or write to it at info@talismancasualty.com to inquire about its services and technology. Interested clients are also urged to ask about how Talisman Casualty lawsuit avoidance strategies lead to quicker resolution of claims.
For more information about Talisman Casualty Insurance Company, contact the company here:
Talisman Casualty Insurance Company
7881 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 210 Las Vegas, NV 89117