Emerging Markets Report: Formation of Strategic Advisory
An Emerging Markets Sponsored Commentary
ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GoLogiq, Inc. (OTC: GOLQ), a global provider of mobile fintech solutions for digital transformation and consumer data analytics, has formed a strategic advisory board with James W. Keyes and Sim Farar serving as the first two strategic advisory board members.
Keyes, an internationally recognized business innovator and thought leader, brings impressive experience to the board, and has served in several top executive roles at both private and public corporations. Keyes is also a business leader and Fortune 500 senior executive who served as CEO of two major global corporations, 7-Eleven and Blockbuster.
This is what Keyes had to say about his appointment: “I’m excited to help GoLogiq at this pivotal stage in its development, and particularly as it works to scale the businesses of GammaRey and Nest Egg. I look forward to helping GoLogiq advance its mission of delivering industry-leading fintech solutions.”
Farar brings valuable knowledge to the GoLogiq board as the managing member of JDF Investments Company, which specializes in corporate development and financing merger transactions for over 35 years.
Gologiq’s recent Press Release showcased Farar’s global experience in operational, financial and strategy management. In 2021, Farar was appointed as one of four U.S. representatives for the 76th Session General Assembly of the United Nations. Prior to that, he was nominated and confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as the United States Representative to the 54th General Assembly at the United Nations.
Well equipped with a high level of global connections, Farar is equally looking forward to his involvement with GoLogiq. “Like Jim, I feel fortunate to join GoLogiq’s advisory board at this transformative time for the company. From my business experience representing private enterprises, I believe there is significant demand for a fintech platform like GoLogiq’s. I look forward to helping the company realize its important vision of helping the unbanked and underserved.”
An advisory board is a group of skilled experts with the role of providing guidance to help a company grow and achieve its goals. Advisory boards are extremely beneficial to companies and according to a study done by the Business Development Bank of Canada, annual sales of businesses with advisory boards were higher than those of the control group. Additionally, productivity was also reported to be higher for companies with advisory boards.
Advisory boards differ from a board of directors with more flexibility and the responsibility, roles and expectations are chosen to fit the business. Advisory boards lack the authority and formal responsibility that a board of directors entails but maintains and additionally offers valuable expertise and a reliable union with outsiders.
We are looking forward to seeing which other serviceable members GoLogiq appoints to its advisory board.
For more on GoLogiq Inc. visit: https://gologiq.com/
About GoLogiq, Inc.:
GoLogiq, Inc. provides mobile solutions for digital transformation and financial inclusion in Southeast Asia and emerging markets. Its software platforms include CreateApp, a mobile app development and publishing platform for small business; AtozGo, a hyper-local app-based delivery system for ordering and fulfillment needs of residential and office towers; and AtozPay, an eWallet for mobile top-up, e-commerce purchases, bill payment, and microfinance in Indonesia.
About The Emerging Markets Report:
The Emerging Markets Report is owned and operated by Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), a syndicate of investor relations consultants representing years of experience. Our network consists of stockbrokers, investment bankers, fund managers, and institutions that actively seek opportunities in the micro and small-cap equity markets.
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- https://www.otcmarkets.com/learn/policy-on-stock-promotion
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- https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2017-79
- https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-bulletins/ia_promotions.html
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