Upgraded outlook for 2023
Jyske Bank expects earnings per share of DKK 60-70, corresponding to a net profit of DKK 4.0bn - 4.6bn and a profit before tax of DKK 5.3bn - 6.1bn in 2023. The intervals include one-off costs related to the integration of Handelsbanken Denmark, which are expected to amount to c. DKK 0.3bn.
The outlook reflects the effects of the acquisition of Handelsbanken Denmark, the higher level of interest rates as well as a continued solid credit quality. The integration of the former Handelsbanken Denmark is progressing according to plan, both financially, commercially and organizationally.
Previously, Jyske Bank expected earnings per share of DKK 55-65, corresponding to a net profit of DKK 3.7bn - 4.3bn in 2023.
Yours faithfully,
Jyske Bank
Contact person: Birger Krøgh Nielsen, CFO, tel. +45 89 89 64 44.
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