Don’t Let Delivery and Takeout Foods Fumble Your Super


Washington, D.C., Jan. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Don’t Let Delivery and Takeout Foods Fumble Your Super Bowl


WASHINGTON, Jan. 31, 2023 —February 12 marks Super Bowl LVII and Americans from coast to coast will gather with friends and family to cheer on their team, enjoy the halftime show and partake in traditional football foods. While foods prepared at home remain a popular option, delivery and takeout options are convenient alternatives. Since this event can last up to four hours, harmful bacteria have ample time to develop in your favorite dishes, which increases the possibility of foodborne illness.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) wants to keep you in the game with some tips on how not to get benched by foodborne illness.

“Many Americans enjoy delivery and takeout foods during the Super Bowl for convenience, but food safety precautions are the same as food prepared at home,” said USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety Dr. Emilio Esteban. “To prevent foodborne illness, food should not be left out for over two hours without proper heating or cooling and should be placed out in small amounts and replenished as needed to keep your family and friends safe.”


Follow some tips from the food safety playbook to tackle foodborne illness head on throughout the game:


Play 1: Boost your Food Safety Defense Strategy with Four Simple Steps for Preparing Foods

You can't see, smell or taste harmful bacteria that may cause illness. When preparing food, follow the four guidelines below to keep food safe:

  • Clean — When handling raw meat and poultry, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and clean and sanitize surfaces often with soap, water and a sanitizer.
  • Separate — Don't cross-contaminate. Use separate cutting boards, plates and utensils to avoid cross-contamination between raw meat or poultry and foods that are ready-to-eat.
  • Cook — Cook to proper #" Super Bowl Press Release Image Super Bowl Press Release Image: Chicken wings with a football toothpick surrounded by a colorful fla...

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