Press release: Evolution of the Orange group’s Executive
Press release
Paris, 31 January 2023
Evolution of the Orange group’s Executive Committee
The Orange group announces the appointment of Jean-François Fallacher as CEO of Orange France from April 3. He will replace Fabienne Dulac, who after eight years at the helm of Orange France, has chosen to take on new challenges within the Group. Fabienne Dulac will remain on the Executive Committee and will contribute to the deployment of the upcoming strategic plan.
Jean-François Fallacher is currently CEO of Orange Spain. He will be replaced by Ludovic Pech, the current Chief Financial Officer of Orange Middle East & Africa. Jean-François Fallacher will remain a member of Orange Spain's Board of Directors.
Christel Heydemann, CEO of Orange, commented: “I would like to thank Fabienne Dulac for her commitment over eight years as head of Orange France. Through her action, she has strengthened the network leadership and customer excellence of Orange in France. During this time, Orange played an essential role in the success of the deployment of Fiber in France. Thanks to her work and that of her teams, France can today boast of having the most extensive Fiber network in Europe. We will continue to work together in the coming months. I am delighted to now welcome Jean-François Fallacher as the new head of Orange France. I know I can count on his very solid international experience and on his operational expertise to continue to develop Orange's leadership in France in the service of our customers."
For more information on Fabienne Dulac's career, click here. Photos are available here.
For more information on the career of Jean-François Fallacher, click here.
About Orange
Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 42.5 billion euros in 2021 and 136,500 employees worldwide at 30 September 2022, including 75,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 286 million customers worldwide at 30 September 2022, including 240 million mobile customers and 24 million fixed broadband customers. The Group is present in 26 countries. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies under the brand Orange Business Services. In December 2019, the Group presented its "Engage 2025" strategic plan, which, guided by social and environmental accountability, aims to reinvent its operator model. While accelerating in growth areas and placing data and AI at the heart of its innovation model, the Group will be an attractive and responsible employer, adapted to emerging professions.
Orange is listed on Euronext Paris (symbol ORA) and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol ORAN).
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