Extension of the term of office of a Member of the
The supervisory board of Bigbank AS has decided on 25 January 2023 to extend the term of office of Mart Veskimägi as the member of the management board of Bigbank AS for another 3 years, beginning from the end of the previous term until 05 February 2026.
The management board of Bigbank AS will continue with five members: Martin Länts (Chairman of the management board), Ken Kanarik, Argo Kiltsmann, Ingo Põder and Mart Veskimägi.
Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.eu) is a bank based on Estonian capital focused on loans and deposits of private and corporate customers, which, in addition to activities in Estonia, has branches in Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria, and which also offers its products as a cross-border service in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands. Bigbank AS balance sheet exceeds 1.5 billion euros.
Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Telephone: +372 5393 0833
E-mail: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee