EarlyBirds Offers a Solution for Those Looking to Improve
Forde, Jan. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EarlyBirds.io is a company that has developed an award-winning open innovation ecosystem platform with services that helps all types of business organisations solve challenges and seize opportunities. This is of great interest to companies int the manufacturing sector looking to further digitize their companies to better streamline efforts.. The platform does this by collecting global open-source data on startup, scaleup and mature technologies that is used to map entire technical or business theme for strategic planning and solving operation challenges.

EarlyBirds co-founder, Kris Poria, says, “We have all seen the photos of ships outside of ports around the world stacking up and waiting for many days for their supplies to be offloaded. All this at a time when many of the goods sitting on these ships are in short supply and facing heavy demand. This is just one example of how improving the digitalization of an industry can help resolve problems and streamline operations. That’s why we are proud to offer a unique solution that can bring together companies from the manufacturing sector with, innovators, and subject matter experts i to help them further digitization efforts to accelerate capacity, speed, and culture.”
Poria went on to point out that shortages, delays and not having proper stocks of supplies have plagued various industries lately. This includes those in the automobile industry, building material sector, and electronics manufacturing. All of which have faced supply chains that have been severely disrupted. This has created unique challenges for these types of industries when it comes to manufacturing, transportation, and shipping. He stated that further digitization of these processes can help manufacturers overcome many of the challenges they now face in these supply chain areas. The EarlyBirds website explains how early adopter businesses in these business sectors can use the company’s ‘open innovation ecosystem’ to seek out solutions for the further digitization of important manufacturing processes (https://earlybirds.io/en/early_adopter). He also mentioned that cybersecurity and other threats can further hurt critical manufacturing processes and increased digitization in the manufacturing industry can help with that too. Poria added, “Digitization can make the daily tasks required in manufacturing easier, safer, and more fulfilling, enticing more workers to this sector. It can also drive automation, which can supplement the gap between the workforce required to meet demand, and the available labor.”
EarlyBird’s co-founder went on to say that one of the problems companies face when trying to increase digitization of their manufacturing processes is that in-house solutions are not always available or achieve digitization goals. That’s when manufacturers need to find outside solutions to achieve their digitization needs and using the EarlyBirds platform is one unique and simple way of going about that. It’s a system that can enable digitized transformation in such areas as additive manufacturing, robotics, AI, and other cutting-edge categories such as wearables. Poria stated, “EarlyBirds is your manufacturing industry partner for the journey through using its award-winning open innovation platform and services to achieve digitization objectives and outcomes. With EarlyBirds, there are options to adopt a modular and scalable process to address both complex and simple digitization challenges.” He pointed out that manufacturers that have not been successful with or have the means to cultivate in-house digitization solutions must find a means to connect with outside digitization innovators.
This is one of the areas where the EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem can play a key role in successful digitization efforts for manufacturers. He talked about how EarlyBirds offers those in the manufacturing industry two ways to go about solving their digitization needs and challenges. The first is by using what they call their Explorer Program. It helps manufacturers who need innovation as a service to supplement existing innovation programs or to conduct innovation projects as required. The other is what they call their Challenger Program. This is a program that’s designed to solve one digitization challenge at a time and search for relevant innovators that meet the business, technical, commercial, and risk requirements for the task at hand. More information on these unique open innovation ecosystem services that EarlyBirds offers can be obtained by visiting the company’s website.
For more information about EarlyBirds, contact the company here:
Mr Kris Poria and Mr Jeff Penrose
+61 401 287 060